Reduce your Costs.
Maximize your Results.

high performance and
3x more leads or prospects, contributing to Sales with 62% less Costs, compared to traditional practices.
The Sorting team is composed of specialists in several areas, able to perform complete diagnostics in the structure of your company and propose appropriate changes focused on results.
The benefits of Sorting services can be easily proven through Customer Satisfaction and Results in Brazil and abroad.
Using unique concepts in its industry, Sorting outlines winning strategies for any type of business that operates in a digital or offline environment, leading to increased sales and lead capture.
Sorting, because it is focused on performance, guarantees its clients expressive results derived from its strategies. It is no coincidence that we have achieved great satisfaction.
“In a few months we quadrupled the traffic of our website, making it a reference in management systems. The result was also obtained with lower expenses in digital marketing, with CPC – cost per click, much smaller and more directed to the public, increasing the number of leads and generating great business opportunities. “
– Victor Kroeger, president of Ausland
Sorting acts on several fronts, providing satisfactory results to any type of customer, regardless of the media used.
We operate with dexterity both Digital Marketing (online) and Traditional Marketing (offline).
Success Index
Press Releases
Stay on top of the latest in the market with insightful articles written by our specialists in optimizing results and increasing sales.
Transformação Digital: Um Guia para Empresas Tradicionais
Você já se perguntou como as empresas que existem há décadas estão se adaptando ao mundo digital? A transformação digital não é apenas uma tendência, mas uma necessidade para a sobrevivência e crescimento de…
Análise de Dados – A Nova Linguagem do Marketing
Você já se perguntou como as decisões de marketing são tomadas nos bastidores? Imagine a análise de dados como o cérebro que processa uma infinidade de informações para tomar decisões inteligentes. Neste artigo, vamos…
O Poder do Storytelling no Marketing de Conteúdo
Você já se perguntou por que algumas marcas têm um poder magnético de atrair pessoas, enquanto outras lutam para serem notadas? A resposta pode estar na arte milenar do storytelling. Neste artigo, vamos desvendar…